curriculum vitae |
Associate Professor, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer in Physics with more than 20-years lecturing experience in different colleges and universities, and more than 7-years experience in tutoring students online via Internet
Senior Research Scientist in Nondestructive Testing of Materials
Address: Karbisheva Street 32-312, Ulyanovsk, 432064, Russia
Home phone: 7-842-2207247
Contact info: see here
career aim and skills |
Online tutoring students of all levels and Physics help where my strong abilities in:
- Mechanics
- Special Relativity
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
- Oscillations and Waves
- Light and Optics
- Quantum Physics
- Atomic Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Physics of Semiconductors
- Physics of Electronics
- General and Higher Mathematics
- may be effectively utilized
Contribution to physics research and development efforts in which my abilities in:
- General Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Science of Materials
- Physics of Metals
- Physics of Semiconductors
- Optoelectponics
- Ultrasonics
- Nondestructive Testing of Materials
- Radio engineering
- Conducting physical experiments
- X-Ray difractometers
- Radio-electronic measuring devices
- Computers
- Mathematical methods of data analysis
- Tutoring and Lecturing ability
- may be effectively utilized
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work experience |
2006- Present
All Russian Aviation Materials Institute
Ulyanovsk Department
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Associate Professor, Leading Research Scientist
Research and development in physics methods of structure and properties control of materials during production
1996- 2006
Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation Institute
Faculty of Natural-Science Disciplines
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
Lecturing and conducting classes in courses:
- Mechanics
- Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Oscillations and Waves
- Optics
- Modern Physics
- Mathematics
Research and development of optico-acoustic systems for internal combustion engines diagnostics
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Ulyanovsk Branch
Faculty of Integrated Chips Physics and Technology
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
Lecturing and conducting classes in courses:
- Physics of Semiconductors
- Physical Principles of Semiconducting Optoelectronics
- Electricity and Magnetism
Study of ultrasound waves generated in semiconducting plates under thermal and mechanical percussion influence
Study of photoluminescence in porous silicon
Tolyatti Politechnical Institute
Faculty of Physics
Tolyatti, Russia
Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer
Lecturing and conducting classes in courses:
- Electricity and Magnetism
- Oscillations and Waves
Development of dislocation mechanism of anomalous change of the Young's modulus in deformed crystals
All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Aircraft Materials
Ulyanovsk Branch
Laboratory of Nondestructive Testing of Aircraft Materials
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Chief of Laboratory, Senior Research Scientist
Research and development of methods and apparatus for nondestructive monitoring of structure, composition and properties of polymeric composite materials.
The following apparatus and devices were developed and introduced into production:
- IMD 3002 - apparatus for measuring the elastic and damping performances of construction materials;
- IPF 2002 - apparatus for a research of forming processes of polymeric composite materials;
- ISS 1003 - device for continuous monitoring of the resin contents in carbon -, organic -, glass-, paper- fabrics and tapes during their impregnation on impregnating machines;
- ISS 4001- apparatus for a contactless measurement of the resin contents in carbon-organic fiber reinforced plastics
Scientific Research Institute of Aircraft Technology
Ulyanovsk Branch
Laboratory of Bent Stringers
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Senior Research Scientist, Member of Teaching Staff
Study and diagnostic of structure of bent stringers by physical research techniques.
Ulyanovsk Politechnical Institute
Faculty of Physics
Ulyanovsk, Russia
Senior Research Scientist, Member of Teaching Staff
Development and manufacturing of acoustic apparatus for control of heat treatment conditions of long-length stringers.
Toglatti Politechnical Institute
Faculty of Physics
Tolyatti, Russia
Junior Research Scientist, Member of Teaching Staff
Conducting classes in General Physics
Study of dislocation anharmonicity in crystals and plastically deformed metals
Vilnyus Radio-Measuring Apparatus Scientific Research Institute
Laboratory of Theoretical Researches
Vilnyus, Lithuania
Theoretical investigation of phenomena in high-frequency wave-guides
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education |
1976-1979: Tolyatti Politechnical Institute
Faculty of Material Science
Ph.D., Solid State Physics
Thesis: Influence of plastic deformation on nonlinearity of elastic properties of metals
1969-1975: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Fistech)
Faculty of Radio Engineering and Cybernetics
Diploma: Development and research of ultrasound velocity meter in liquids
1965-1969: Kuibishev Aircraft Technical School
Department of Radio-Electrics of Airplanes
Electro-Radio Master
Diploma: Study of stability of airplane automatic control system by analogue computing devices
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publications |
- Antonetc. E.V, Konuchov G.A., Sazanov. V.E. Method of diagnostic and prognostic of internal-combustion engines during operation . 2151384, 20.06.2000.
- Orzaev V.G. A method for measuring the degree of polymerization of composite materials . 1640626, 08.12.1990.
- Vorona A.A., Cemenov I.Y. A method for measuring an elastic modulus . 1461180, 22.10.1988.
- Vorona A.A. The device for measuring an elastic modulus and logarithmic decrement of materials . 1577509, 08.05.1988.
- Ctefanov C.P., Tpohan A.M., Hohylya Y.P. Sound velocity meter . 530194, 08.06.1976.
Selected articles:
- Skvortsov A.A., Orlov A.M., Litvinenko O.V. Dislocation anharmonicity in silicon . Pisma v JTP (Letters to Technical Physics Journal), 26, (21), 82-88, 2000.
- Orlov A.M., Kostishko B.M., Emelianova T.G. Temperature dependence of change of photoluminescence of porous silicon under continuous laser exposure . Neorganicheskie Materiali (Inorganic Materials), 33 (10), 1174-1177, 1997.
- About the mechanism of abnormal increase of Young's modulus at deformation of crystals . Fizika Tverdogo Tela ( Solid State Physics), 36 (12), 3587-3595, 1994.
- New microprocessor apparatus for nondestructive testing of a structure, composition and properties of polymeric composite structures at different stages of their production . Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (Factory Laboratory), 59 (3), 31-34, 1993.
- Krishtal M.A. A phase velocity meter of surface waves . Defektoskopiya (Nondestructive Testing), 2, 51-55, 1979.
- Krishtal M.A. Experimental examination of dislocation anharmonicity of plastically deformed metals by Rayleigh waves . Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie (Physics and Since of Metals), 49 (1), 181-189, 1980.
- Krishtal M.A. Measuring of stress concentration in construction materials by ultrasonic surface waves . Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (Factory Laboratory), 47 (3), 36-38, 1981.
- Apparatus of kilohertz range for automatic measuring of internal friction and Young's modulus . Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (Factory Laboratory), 48 (5), 76-79, 1982.
- Ultrasonic investigation of features of dislocation structure of plastically deformed brass . Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (Factory Laboratory), 49 (6), 46-49, 1983.
- Dislocation contribution to higher order elastic constants. Influence of plastic deformation and residual stresses . Metallofizika (Physics of Metals) 5 (3), 82-88, 1983.
- Abdulin F.Z., An acoustic method of quality control of long-length stringers . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 1, 74-76, 1985.
- An experimental investigation of influence of plastic deformation on the third order elastic constants of brass . Metallofizika, (Physics of Metals) 7 (4), 98-103, 1985.
- Measuring of the third order elastic constants by surface waves method . Prikladnaya Mehanika (Applied Mechanics), 21 (3), 127-129, 1985.
- , Proskyriakov A.G. Apparatus for acoustic control of modes of heat treatment of long-length stringers . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 8, 73-74, 1987.
- , Cheburahin E.H., Proskyriakov G.V. Investigation of stringers, made by humble curving of an alloy 01420, by means of X-ray diffraction methods . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 9, 6-8, 1988.
- Kalashnikov I.E. Investigation of possibilities for nondestructive testing of the content binding in carbon fiber reinforced prepregs . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 3, 67-68,1988.
- Monitoring of the content binding in prepregs by nondestructive methods . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 9, 63-66, 1989.
- Kysnetsov A.N. X-ray diagnostics of the contents binding in prepregs on the machine UPST-300 . Aviationnaya Promishlennost (Aircraft Industry), 2, 54-56, 1990.
Secondaty articles:
25 secondary articles are available upon request
- Pirogov A.V., Skvortsov A.A., Oplov A.M. Study of ultrasonic oscillations in semiconducting slices under thermal and mechanical influences . IV All-Russia and International Conference on Actual Problems of Solid-State Electronics and Microelectronics. Divnomorskoye, Russia, September 7-12, 1997.
- Emelianova T.G., Oplov A.M., Kostishko B.M. Temperature dependence of initial stage of degradation of porous silicon photoluminescence under continuous laser exposure . Russian Conference on Physics of Semiconductors. Zelenodolsk , Russia , February29 -March1, 1996.
- New microprocessor apparatus for nondestructive testing of a structure, composition and properties of polymeric composite structures at different stages of their production . International Conference on Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Composite Structures. Riga, Latvia, October 22-24, 1991.
- The dislocation contribution to higher order elastic constants at uniaxial tension . Regional Scientific-Technical Conference on Progressive Technological Processes and Equipment Used for Low-Tough Machinery. Tolyatti, Russia, September 10-12, 1985.
- Viboischik M.A. Use of internal friction method for control of chemicothermal processing . All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference on News in Metal Science and Metal Heat Treatment. Tolyatti, Russia, September 18-20, 1979.
- Krishtal M.A. The contribution of dislocation anharmonicity to the third order elastic constants at plastic deformation of isotropic solids . IX All-Union Conference on Physics of Strength and Plasticity of Metals and Alloys. Kuibyshev, Russia, June 19-21, 1979.
- Measuring of stress concentration in constructional steels by ultrasonic method . Regional Scientific-Technical Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists of Kuibyshev Region. Kuibyshev, Russia, November, 1978.
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languages |
Native language is Russian
Fluent reading and conversational ability in English
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references |
References are available upon request
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peripheral interests |
English, Computers, Internet, Reading, Music, Running, Skiing
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